Same day delivery available to orders placed by 1:30pm. Order online or give us a call 5443 5519 Same day delivery available to orders placed by 1:30pm. Order online or give us a call 5443 5519

Pastel Mix - Florist Choice Bouquet


This beautiful bouquet will feature a selection of hand picked flowers and foliage, tastefully designed by our talented florists in pink tones.

We use a combination of open and closed blooms to ensure longevity, allowing your arrangement to go from "bud-to-bloom" making for a long lasting arrangement.

Pictured is a selection of flower varieties and colours you may see in your design, our team selects the very best of what is currently in store to create your bouquet.


Flowers will vary depending on the season and market pricing.

If you have any concerns about flower selection, please call us on 03) 5443 5519 and we will talk you through the flower selection process.



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Please be sure to put your recipient’s details in the Shipping Address section and your personal details in the Billing Address section.

We will always deliver to the address specified in the Shipping Address section.



To ensure same day delivery, all orders must be placed by 1:30PM EST.

If you are seeking a specific time for your delivery, please call the shop to discuss what we can do for you.

For further delivery T's & C's, please click here